Oxy-moron. One who, in an attempt to prove they are hip and down with the lingo refers to the Narcotics Anonymous 12 step program as"dope."
Fresh from rehab the oxy-moron shared extensively about how dope N.A. is.
Someone who is simultaneously breathing and an idiot (EX: you, probably). This noun can also be used to describe someone with infectious stupidity (that is breathing). This word sounds stupid (which it is), but you never know if the person you use it on will be alive the next moment.
(sometimes confused with "oxymoron," which is different I swear).
"They're an oxy-moron."
"I'm such an oxy-moron, I'm going to kill someone in approximately 0.5 hemiseconds"
The title given to a person who allows there own stupidity to put other at risk of contracting a harmful or fatal disease.
Because of Typhoid Moron's need to have a ego rally in Tulsa today , six staffers contracted Corona virus today.
Adj: said of a person who is so politically liberal they are almost a moron disconnected from all political reality
Nina Jankowicz and Rachel Maddow are perfect examples of liberally moronic females; they are also buffoonishly idiotic.