Source Code

oh god

Somthing screamed during sex

the bad thing about being an athiest, is that you have no one to talk to during sex.
"I'm done"

by Mr. Moto January 10, 2006

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Cleveland, OH

A city in Northeast Ohio, home of the Indians, the Cavs, the Browns, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum, University Circle, and many other interesting places, teams, and people.
The city is also home to Case Western Reserve University and Cleveland State University, as well as the Cleveland Institute of Music (CIM) and the Cleveland Symphony Orchestra.

Cleveland itself is a medium city as cities go, definitely not as huge as, say, New York.
Cleveland proper is the actual city. But Cleveland is surrounded by many inner and outter-ring suburbs, which together comprise the Greater Cleveland Area.
Though poverty, race relations, and corruption are all big problems for the city, it does have a lot of average, normal people, just like anywhere else, and therein lies it's salvation.
It also has a pretty good arts scene and really weird weather.

You know you're from Cleveland, OH if:
-You know the lake isn't on fire anymore.
-You ever skipped school, work, or whatever to go celebrate St. Patrick's Day.
-You like pierogies, kielbasa, or bratwurst.
-You can spell "Cuyahoga", and do so on a regular basis.
-You're used to weird weather.
-You're an Indians fan.
-You were torn over whether to support the Steelers or Seahawks in Super Bowl XL ('06)
-You've heard of "the Drive", "The Fumble", and all those other great tragic moments in Cleveland Sports History.
-You know about the Cleveland Spiders.
-You're still mad at Baltimore.
-Art Modell is synonymous with "traitor".
-You know the words to "Cleveland Rocks." (last one optional)

by fisherofmen February 9, 2006

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oh dip

Similar to "oh damn", used in an awkward or difficult situation.

"The Saturn navcom reports are ready!"
"Oh Dip!"

by Rustle January 17, 2007

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Sandra oh

Milf, sorry, milfy, sorry, milfy milf, sorry, I meant to say mommy, no, Sandra oh. Sheโ€™s a milf mommy and sheโ€™s got the sexiest hair of all time. She likes to stick her tongue down Jodie comers throat and likes living in woman's vaginas.

Sheโ€™s a very sexy, very talented daddy who plays eve polastri in killing eve. She loves to make out with Jodie comer and squeal in the back of vans.

Whatโ€™s a Sandra oh?

A sexy milf mommy whoโ€™s strap is 25 inches long.

by Villanevesslugussy May 18, 2022

Oh! Sundo

It is an expression that represents positive astonishment in the following situation: When someone mentions a future event that is too good to be true and people do not expect it to actually happen, but this person unexpectedly and casually returns with the realized result.

Person A:"I think I am going to start a brewery"
Person B:"Yeah why not."
Person A and B meet again a few months later
Person A:"Oh yeah by the way, I started my own organic brewery business. We're going to start selling our products at Whole Foods."
Person B: "Oh! Sundo!"

by jasonmagniig December 31, 2021

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OH Nine

1) A typical ending to a brainless teenage girls' photo album, such as "Summmer 0999" or " City with the bfffs 09". Because of this, it has now become a common phrase used to bash popular culture that constantly refers to the year 2009. It works best as a sassy ending to a statement, and should usually be used in tandem with a peace sign held uncomfortably close to the face.

Colin: "Hey, what are you doin today?"

Eddie:" Endless amounts of college stuff.....OH nine!!

Colin: Margie that food looks sooo good!

Margie: Yayy overweight!

Colin: Oh nine?

MArgie: hahaha yes.

by Linnn Linnn November 29, 2009

Oh Definitely!

Said when something is too awesome for all other words or word phrases. Can be used as an adjective, noun, or a verb. When you say it, you must exclaim it in a high pitched, enthusiastic voice. If you use it wrong, you're dumb.

The opposite is Oh Never! Which is used when you are describing or reacting to something that is terrible or something that you would never do.

Noun: "She's an Oh Definitely!"
Verb: "I would Oh Definitely her!"
Adjective: "That girl is so Oh definitely!"
Or simply: "OH DEFINITELY!!"

by Big D Magic June 23, 2010