Verb. Partaking in any kind of behavior that may be perceived as unreliable. Named after everyone’s favorite RA, Jason.
Examples of such behavior:
1) Saying that you’re going to the library when you’re actually going out to party.
2) Sneaking out of the building to go to a fast food establishment when you’re on duty.
3) Ordering a rice cooker that arrives at your room after you quit your job, and then never coming back to pick it up.
Jason: “If anybody comes by looking for me can you tell them that I went to the library to study for my econ exam?”
*Comes back four hours later stumbling down the hallway and slurring his words while discussing plans to streak in a football stadium*
Instead of studying he was pulling a Jason.
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''Pulling a Zion'' is when you Have Virtual Sex On Roblox.
It also Means ''Huge Roblox Penis'' in Nigganese.
''Yo Bro this roblox Hoe was nasty She was pulling a Zion''
''Dude i ran a tram on this bitch i was pulling a Zion''
''BabyGirl Come Sit on My Zion''
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A technique for horse euthanasia where two ropes are looped around the lame horse and are then tied to two healthy horses. The healthy horses gallop in opposite directions at full speed. The ropes become taught and decapitate the lame horse almost instantly.
"In the mid-nineteenth century, the horse pull was the preferred way to discard a lame or sickly horse. During the peak of its popularity, the entire farm would come to watch the horse pull. Occasionally, people from nearby towns would join too."
- John Hammersmith, "The American Wild West, Unveiled"
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Verb - A phrase used to describe a person or action of such density and/or idiocy that it must be shared with others, commonly through social media. Also see "retard", "fuckwit" and "facepalm".
''I'm pulling an Austin; Jimmy just tried to call himself using his own phone and the people of the internet must be told. ''
lie in the most blatant way possible about really important topics.
he pulled a Netanyahu and told the modis ceo he wont continue to destroy Israelis Supreme Court.
please don't pull a Netanyahu again. i don't want to be lied to.
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When you fap on call with or without letting the other person know, is tenderly referred to as 'pulling a mush'.
"Ah yeah, I was pulling a mush when I called you last night." "Really? You shouldve told me we could've done something."
Typing out an entire post, response, text message, ect. only to delete it before submitting it.
I was going to submit this definition last week but I pulled a nerd.