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Toast fishing

Verb. The act of placing a piece of toast on the end of a bendy stick and toasting it on a campfire (or fireplace) from a short distance. It has been remarked by many that toast fishing is the most relaxing activity in the entire universe, however, most of those found stating this later admitted to not having experienced every activity in the universe and retracted their previous comment.

"Do you want to go toast fishing?" "No." "Ok."

by Zanda Panda August 28, 2008


To have the appearance of absolute chaos and lack of control but it all works out.

Every time he approaches a gate, I'm like 'nope', but then he gets his Janky-Toast going and threads the needle.

by FunkMasterFoo July 13, 2017

Raisin Toast

A term coined by local Aussie hero and Camira native known as Shampoo. It is used to describe the act of getting a 'Rub & Tug'. The genius is that the initials R/T are cafe short hand for "raisin toast", you can talk about it in public and no one will be the wiser.

"Might go get some Raisin Toast on the way home from work then rock round to yours to punch some cones"

by dru95 July 29, 2016

lint toast

The act of 2 or more males gathering naked in a circle. Placing bread/toast in the middle. The male participants must then begin to pleasure themselves until the point of ejaculation. Once the final participant has ejaculated on the bread/toast. He must then eat the bread/toast.

I'm always in the mood for a game of lint toast. Only if I'm not the last guy to ejaculate.

by Blitzed4lyfe20 May 18, 2016

Toasted Almonds

When a guy farts really bad while sitting on a vinyl cafe booth and the gas escapes to the front of his crotch.

Holy crap man, I just toasted almonds!

by Lothar December 14, 2017

Brown toasting

Having sex while having a stomach bug and losing your bowels upon then after reaching completion.

Man: "Let's have sex."
Woman: "Ewww no, you don't feel well, and I don't want you brown toasting me!"

by Mewcatgo July 19, 2015

damp toasting

The art of replying in a short manner/ being uninteresting in order to let a conversation die

I really am not interested in that guy, I should just be damp toasting him

by TheCampingWall October 24, 2017