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Preps are commonly stereotyped as rich or wealthy kids, who wear aeropostile, or hollister. They can be seen typically at the mall, country clubs, or at party's. They are also known for being involved in lots of sports or activities associated with school.They often think that all other groups are not as good as theirs. They often hate goths, emos, punks or gangsters. Not all preps are like this and may just like the life style or the clothes they wear.

Hey, Jeff's parents have gone to Aspen for the week end. It's going to be full of preps and we are all going to get drunk. Wanna come?

by natemroma December 11, 2009

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Usually wearing aeropostle,american-eagle,or some other expensive name brand clothing and blonde hair. Mostly bitchy and making fun of people that aren't as popular or in their opinion more beautiful then they are.This includes goths, emos, nerds etc. And also trying to sound cool by saying idiotic stuff like "you got served".Also stuck up and bragging about how rich they are when their parents are really the rich ones and spoiling the hell out of them. For hints on what preps are, watch the movie "white chicks".

Paris Hilton, Miley Cirus, Britany Spears,prep.

by Wolf_318 May 4, 2009

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Preps are usually known as teenagers who shop at aeropostale, abercrombie, hollister, and american eagle. The actual definition of prep is someone who goes to a prepratory school. Preps usually are nice to all people except nerds.

You will usually see them wearing polos or shirts with brands on them. They usually wear make up, but not alot. They always try to do different hairstyle and look as best as possible.

The girls are really involved in cheerleading or some kind of school activity. The guys are usually on the football team or involved with school. Most of them are shallow.

Alot of people agree that preps wear the clothes that they do because the majority of the school is also wearing that because its popular and they are affraid to try their own style. You will never catch a prep dead wearing sweat pants to school.

Prep 1: Oh my gosh, are you like, going to the like, pep rally later billy?
Prep 2: Well of course I am!! School is the best! Plus im on the team.
Prep 1: That sounds like, super great!

by Cassfrass July 30, 2009

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A prep is usually a female that thinks she's better than another. They usually have preppy type names such as:ANYA, Josh, Jacob, Brittany. They have lots of preps up in the Washington DC area. They're really just a bunch of crazy people, if you ask me.

Such a prep....

by Tnewe June 21, 2010

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White, christian, upper middle class or rich, spoiled, obnoxious, old-fashioned, traditional, fancy-dressed individual who have huge egos. They also like to terrorize certain groups of people like punks, goths, average joes, etc. These people are probably the most annoying people on the east coast and most of them are a bunch of neocons.

Guy from car: HEY BUTHOLE!
Normal person: (gives finger to car)
Guy from car: (drives up to person) You're such a pussy!
Normal person: (Throws something) Fuck you!
Guy from car: Oh, you threw that at me, you're a wimp.
Normal person: Face me like a man, you damn prep coward!

George W. Bush managed to get reelected.
George W. Bush also received a lot of those votes from preps.

by wahalla July 25, 2010

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defination: prepare for

define : ok i have another celebration to prep for

by student155 November 27, 2015

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for those of you who think preps are rich snobby bitches, your totally wrong. firstly, even though we wear abercrombie/hollister/american eagle etc. doesnt mean anything. we just like that style of clothing. secondly, we dont over do our make up. thirdly, yes we might own coaches, louis vittons, burberrys, etc. but were not like rubbing it in ppl's faces. we are not bitches, were actaully reallly nice. were very cheerful, but thats just our personality. so dont judge us, and we wont judge you.

girl 1: hey ash, whats up?
girl 2: nothing really. you wanna go hang out at the mall?
girl 1: sure!

by woah_its_alex March 25, 2007

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