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"Perhaps part of their attitude comes from the problem that scenesters have begun to feel threatened about their culture being jeopardized because of a sort of trickle down effect. The internet is permitting easy access for anyone who would want to don scene-esque style and jump right in to a culture that scenesters feel they have built from the ground up and developed into a complex lifestyle. However, this lends many to get caught up in popularity contests in local areas as well as on the world wide web. Unfortunately, this can also lead to rifts in scenes. Groups of hardcore scenesters start "crews," often characterized by fierce brotherhood to the point of violence against others who are unlike them or who are in other crews."

This definition is added to recognize the fact that even though Punks and Scenesters are not similar in anyway, Punk is what built all of this from the ground up, and Scenesters don't realize that they as a group have also contributed to "posuerism- for lack of better or real words that would describe this" and have torn down the original and much more real and complex LIFESTYLE of Punks.

A punk is someone not easily categorized since someone who is a punk tends to have control issues and lives outside of the system, the system being words used by society, and created by the government. So in all reality a TRUE punk is unexplainable. Scene kids all over have portrayed and even called themselves punk "which they are not because they live in more of a bullshit system than most of society does" emo, goth, scene, rocker, and all other stereotypes within that category have all contributed to the near extinction of real punks. The reason i say this being that all of teen society was mad when they couldn't categorize a punk in any other word because punks in fact are so unique that there was no other word. "which punks themselves didnt even use" Teens were pissed off when they couldn't effectively imitate a "punk" that they made , goth, rocker, emo, scene, and all other stereo types within that sub-category, and told the rest of blinded society that they were in fact.....the "new" punks. This is the reason all scene kids, emo kids, goth kids, emo-scene-goth-fag-hardcore kids are indeed...Posers

Hey shit heads you wanna go fuck that little scene fag up?

Well fuck yeah ,no shit.

"Sorry if you thought this definition was unfair to some or most, but in the process of writing this i grew more and more angry with the fact that you all tore down something that was going to bring the government down to the level it needs to be....Below the people."

by Fuck-you-little-scene-shits June 3, 2009

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The new trend that is ugly and fucking disgusting. The guys wear extremely tight pants, sometimes girls pants and ONLY band tees that are 3 sizes to small. They have long hair and usually straighten it or dye it black. Scene girls think they're hardcore by wearing little girl's bows, skinny jeans, heavy eyeliner and a lot of bright colors. They also have a very choppy and angled hair cut and straighten it everyday and dye it black, bleach blond, streaked with bright colors, or any of those combinations. Scene kids are obsessed with myspace and spend hours getting millions of friends, finding the perfect layout, and uploading and photoshopping their pictures. Scene kids have thousands of friends, most of them being other scene kids. Scene kids also love music and claims that "music is their life". They hate it if non-scene people start liking the bands they like, so they automatically hate that band. Also, if that band EVER goes on the radio, they're not acceptable by the scene kids. Also, scene kids go to "shows". They are exactly like concerts, but a scene kid will NEVER call it a concert. Being scene is like being in a cult because most scene kids only befriend other scene kids and date only scene kids. Overall, scene kids care way too much about how they look and wear the craziest clothes and follow stupid trends.

ZOMG that scene girl on myspace has lyke 10k friends!@$$%&)

by Linda Winfrey June 14, 2008

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Cool ass kids who are obsessed
with Scenester things like :

-Hello Kitty
-Power Rangers
-Brass Nuckles

-edgy hair
-black or brown
-skinny jeans
-obsessed with hxc music
-or gore
-shirts from salvation army
-little kids shirts
-sometimes hco,and ae

While some are original others
just look so same they get mistaken
for there friends.


scenesterXx- like omg your one hella rad nigg.
hxc_ohmygaw- no wayy,your the shittt :D

by hillllllll April 2, 2007

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the scene

The scene is an eco-system consisting of scene babies, straight-edge kids, hardcore kids, &f.s.d.
The scene babies mainly feed on a plant called Blue Onion (a secret blend of herbs &spices &local bands which started the scene) which they eat because they are vegan. They have sex with only other scene babies &involuntarily have sex with hardcore kids. They serve no real purpose. While the straight-edge kids spend a majority of their time in a coffee shop feeding on coffee beans, they do not reproduce with anyone because it's against their morals. (Their symbol for straight-edge usually consists of three x's "XXX"). Hardcore (aka "hxc") kids are found mainly at Cornerstone &wherever they can pray on the scene babies. Eating scene babies makes them hard, so they reproduce with them first. They don't have much of a purpose, but they do deliver some pretty sweet break-downs. When it comes down to F.S.D. however, they are only found in concert halls waiting on the availability of band members to give them dome. They wear band shirts such as Chiodos &Boys Like Girls while they deliver this dome. Don't get me wrong, they don't reproduce, only give dome.

This system is based on true logic &The Scene is growing rapidly.

(There are also stoners but they're too awesome to put into the scene system with the others)

hxc kid- "Hey are you a scene baby?"
scene baby- "Yeah why are you hxc?"
hxc kid- "Sure am!"
*scene baby runs away screaming*
f.s.d.- "I'm f.s.d. want some dome?"
hxc kid- "Sure do!"
straightedge kid- "that's not right!"

stoner- "those kids from the scene need to smoke a blunt".

by amanda coberly May 15, 2008

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Scene kids are basically emo, except they get drunk a whole lot, smoke, and dont cut themselves

they like to be very anti-mainstream

Scene kid 1: Hey man, lets go get drunk and smoke a pack!
Scene kid 2: Sweet deal, thats so like us.
Scene kid 3: check out this sweet new album!
Both 1 and 2: Dank! I've never heard of them before and they kinda suck! Thats just what we love because no one else knows who this band is!

by Jaime Ortiz August 14, 2006

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Basically an unscientific way of making clones. Everyone in their "clique" meets at the mall and just chills. They travel in large packs because if they get in a fight they will lose misbribally and mess up their hair, but will look like they have friends in the process. Scene is one step below transfestite.

Hey, I'm scene. I deserve to get kicked in the face by complete strangers.

by JMaster November 25, 2005

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there are many types of scene.
everyone hass a different definition of scenee;
i consider myself scene , why?
i wear skinny jeans, love to tease my hair and

dye it different colors. i wear funkyy awesomee colors;
i have black stripes in my bangs and a different color bow everyday. i love wearing necklaces and braclets.
studded belts are a must in my outfit. my favorite bands are underoath (check em out their hott) , greenday (also hott) framing hanley. singers ; micheal jackson (R.I.P) . yes, my eyeliner is pretty dark aswell. my vocabulary is very awkward =\ my myspace name would be toxicc tayy <3 . plus i love all the haters that hate on me at school i keep my head held high. people who talk shit are just jealous because if they were scene they couldnt pull it off like me xP.

scene varies in many different ways.
scene people are no different then anyone elsee.
we are al made equal. no one outranks anyone else.remember that before you talk shit.

- toxicc.tayy<3

Scene. , greenday , underoath , haters

by toxicc.tayy<3 September 22, 2009

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