A selfie taken while defecating or "shitting" typically showing the back of the toilet in frame.
This morning I took a shitty selfie since I ate that taco bell last night and I wanted to capture the moment for my grandmother.
The way selfie would have been spelled, if the person who wrote about it on the forums back in 2002 would have known how to spell correctly.
Selfie isn't spelled selfy because the person who came up with the word didn't know how to spell.
The way selfie should have been spelled, but the person who wrote it in 2002 wasn't a good speller.
selfie should be spelled selfy.
A pirate-selfie is the kind of a selfie, what you make with your friends, but without changing to front-facing camera, thus photographing the sun/ceiling/the floor/random people.
-Hey guys, gather around, I'm making a pic! Say cheese!
-What are you doing? You are taking pictures of the ceiling, not us!
-Yes, 'cause it's a pirate-selfie!
-Oh okay, then.