Cash money slay means you’re cash money slay. If someone doesn’t know what cash money slay means, they’re most certainly not cash money slay.
Omg Kameron, you’re so cash money slay.
Nico and Omar are not cash money slay.
The Randall Guide to Slaying:
A three step process to nail a boy/girl
S1: Scoop
S2: Wheel
S3: Cock Wreck
*note: in some cases it may be necessary to jump straight to step 3*
"That Randall Guide to Slaying is money for picking up chicks"
humourous text, basically used for fun.
cupcakke said this in a livestream, her wig got snatched by saying this
would you like to slay me mommy? i'll get my wig snatched.
When someone is extremely excited and wants to scream out “slay!” but using the term slay just isn’t cringe enough for that moment.
Usually this term is shortly followed up with a terrible rendition of a Taylor ‘tay tay’ Swift song and a really bad dance.
Jordyn: I’m getting my nails done, todaaaay, WOO WOO SLAY!
When performing sex from behind at the top of a staircase, the man pulls out the womans arms and rides her down the staircase.
She broke her neck in three places after a manhatten slay ride.
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To take a shit, defecate, poo, empty your bowels.
Can be shortened to 'slay one'
Dude, I need to go slay a brown dragon, I'm about to explode.
Fuck man, I need to slay one.
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