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Stalking My Chemical Romance

Stalking 5 incredibly hot guys in an amazing band. These men are: Frank Iero , Gerard Way , Ray Toro , Bob Bryar , and Mikey Way .
They are often mistaken for an emo band, which they are not. My Chemical Romance is an amazing band that almost everyone has heard of, and most people have at least heard Dead!, Welcome To The Black Parade, Teenagers, or Famous Last Words (four of their most popular songs from their record that was released in 2006 called The Black Parade).
These men all are most likley fantastic in bed, and probably do great at french kissing.
Ray is sex in a bed with an afro.
Bob is bearded sex in a bed.
Mikey is intelligent sex in a bed.
Frank is just plain sex in a bed.
Gerard is have-an-orgasm-on-stage-during-a-song sex in a bed.

What are you doing?

Stalking My Chemical Romance, duh!

by vizka January 23, 2009

4👍 16👎

guy that stalks kids outside of school

He's creepy as hell and you should not go close to him. He will probably kidnap and do some weird shit to you. He's an interesting fellow. But that's just life I guess. :D

Kid 1: Hey, who that guy over there.
Kid 2: Oh, he's just the guy that stalks kids outside of school. He kidnaps kids.
Kid 1: Oh, is that what happened to Kid 3.
Kid 2: Sadly, yes. I haven't saw him ever since.
Kid 1: Well, he's probably dead.
Kid 2: Well shit.

by pink testicles January 25, 2021

A girl's like a fridge, once a week you should stalk it.

(English; "Bo Burnham" Quotation Fragment; Slang;) --- "Acts as a comedic sentence that holds multiple meanings to be understood by a person or persons observing the 'joke' through means of sound or sight."

"One meaning probable to be invoked is the replenishment of edibles within an enclosed kitchen appliance that recycles and restores cold air."

"This is tied together with the second section <"A girl ... *stock* it."> as an artist's jocose reference to engaging in the act of coitus with another individual of the female gender."

"Another possible cite that can be interpreted from this comedic quotation is the use of the two homophones stock;stalk) attempting a 'play-on-words' that implies that a third-party undergo the act of following the previously stated individual of the female sex a single time within a seven day period."

*(Quotation Fragment/Comedian mentions no indication as to whether the appointed female be aware of the other's presence and/or tailing)

Refer to word slot, you rooty-poot candy-ass. I understand it's more than a singular word, but it's an expression. Filthy casual. I bet you're viewing this (A girl's like a fridge, once a week you should stalk it.) in Internet Explorer.

by Etch-A-Sketchy May 28, 2015

Half Stalking

A Person who likes to be around you, and talk to you, displaying interest in you but not truly stalking you. This is often mistakening for actual stalking by ignorant people, and to a certain degree is socially acceptable. It is the act of pursuing someone in an atempt to befriend them, date them, or create a buisness relationship with them. Half-Stalking is a habit that a person can grow out off, and change. Half-Stalking is restricted to a specific location, such as A REC center, work, or school.

In High School

Person A: Ugh, that guy is such a stalker. He's always following me, and saying hi to me, when he sees me in the hallways.

Person B: Um, that nots stalking... its Half Stalking. He only talks to you at school. Maybe there just trying to get to know you. I think he likes you! It's not like he sends creepy phone calls or follows you home.

Person A: I never thought about that. For better or worse, He is kinda interesting...

by Sir Flux September 28, 2009

freedom stalking

The act of rejoicing in seeing freedoms taken away from people who have opposing views.

Classic example of freedom stalking:
Did you see that guy get arrested for accusing that black guy for stealing?
Woah that's messed up bro. Why you gotta say he's black and stealing?
Well he's stealing and he's black, so... why arrest the guy reporting it?

by dEdzilla July 30, 2023


When a co-worker spends half his day looking up references online pertaining to your name or nickname. Usually defined by a mancrush that would cause the coworker to look you up online to find more about you.

Matt just keeps looking up my name online. He must want to go on an e-date with me...the wacko! The Freaking e-stalker

Why does Matt keep sending me links to my nickname online? He must really have a Man-Crush on me...I think that he wants to get into my e-pant I think that he's e-stalking me..

by C-pher November 18, 2009

mirror stalking

the art of candid oogling of women in the gym using one or more mirrors in order to avoid detection by not turning your head,only your eyes.

all men in the gym enjoy mirror stalking between sets

by mikalobe420 March 22, 2012