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white cancer

When ignorant white people add to each other's' ignorance by being around other white ignorant people.

"OMG Chelsea you can't say 'nigga"!'"
"You can when squad is hanging out! Because we're white cancer"

by nohochomsky December 29, 2016

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Terminal Cancer


Terminal Cancer is just fortnite

by FijianFisher241 October 21, 2018

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cancer in a box

a pessimistic way to say "cigarettes" It refers to the shocking truth that when you smoke you are slowly allowing yourself to get cancer...

Joe: "hey mary could you pass me my cigs?"
Mary: "I don't see how you can use that cancer in a box"

by Justin June 5, 2005

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Testicular Cancer

A nasty disease that forms tumors on your balls. Without surgery, radiation, and/or chemotherapy can be fatal.

I'm have surgery to remove one of my balls next week because I have testicular cancer!

by EE-TAOW February 5, 2010

22๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

cancer hat

item of headware so plain and uncool that the only reason for wearing it is to cover chemo ravaged hair

Man 1: you like this new hat i got?
Man 2: no
Man 1: why?
Man 2: it looks like a cancer hat

by super rogers July 23, 2006

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Nut cancer

Cancer of the nuts often resulting in the loss of one or more nuts

Guy1: hey, i heard you had nut cancer

Guy2: yeah, but can you please call it Testicular cancer?

Guy1: loose any nuts?

Guy2: Im calling the cops...

by DooDLExD October 16, 2009

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Firework Cancer

When you develop firework cancer you shoot up into the sky then explode into chunks.

Peter:"Did you hear,Keith died"
Clementine:"Yeah he got Firework Cancer"

by GlenGibbs November 3, 2019