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fruity stones

Yellow, pink, or other colored diamonds that rich athletes/moviestars buy for their wives and girlfriends. This term also often refers to colored diamonds worn by rappers and hip-hop artists. Apparently this is now "out of style" according to young jeezy's latest release "all white everything", which states "ni$$as still wearin fruity stones man, who does that?"

I can't believe Todd's bitch is still wearing those fruity stones.

by rainshred20 September 2, 2010

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sword in the stone

The act occurs when a couple are having sex without a condom and the male does not "pull out" before ejaculating. The idea is that he is suppose to but it feels too good or he just doesnt give a fuck.

"I had sex with Hannah last night and fell victim to the sword in the stone, i busted inside of her."

by NeonBlack26 July 18, 2009

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Rolling Stone

A horrible corporate ad-fuck of a magazine that has reviewers who know almost nothing about music. While sometimes they will give high ratings to albums that are worthy, they are often afraid to give shitty pop and pop-punk (Britney Spears, Avril Lavigne, Good Charlotte, Simple Plan etc...) anything under 2 or 3 stars. WTF is that?!?! Not to mention all the crappy rap that they have the nerve to call "art" (not all rap is bad but you wouldn't know that from their reviews) They also take an MTV-esque whiny liberal stance in their politics section (I myself am a strong liberal but I find their articles extremely biased playing into Hollywood style "limousine liberalism")

In the end their just another glorifier (along with radio, the RIAA and MTV) of bad music in America.

Do yourself a favor and support Indie artists and those with actual talent, not top 40 pop/pop-puck/emo/rap songs.

I will say some Rolling Stone's music reviews are unbiased and dead-on, however the majority are complete bullshit.

by Aaron O. September 16, 2005

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Cold Stone

An ice cream place that is taking over small towns everywhere. It's the equivalent of starbucks. The lines are so long it takes about half an hour to get something. It's ridiculously expensive and the employees sing obnoxious songs when you tip them. It's sooo yuppie.

I'm so bored... lets go to Cold Stone.

Dressed Like THIS! I have to go whore up first, everyone I know will be there!

by Ice Cream Affecianado June 17, 2005

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stone free

to have no worries.

to be completely free, to be able to do whatever you please.

used in jimi hendrix's song "stone free."

Stone free, I do what I please.
I got to got to got to get away right now.

by i swear to drunk i'm not god November 9, 2005

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Camp Stone

The best camp on earth.

I am going to rock Camp Stone this year!

by d718 June 24, 2010

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The Stone God

The Stone God is the person that you end up meeting when you're really stoned. You can't see him, but you can feel his comforting presence, and the weight of his heavy hands on your shoulders, head, back, and other extremities. It feels as if a giant stone golem is towering over you from behind, resting his heavy hands on your body, as your body compensates for the added weight.

Q:"Why are you walking so upright and funny?"
A:"The Stone God is resting his heavy hands
on my shoulders; I can't walk normally!"

"I can't move forward from the car seat. The Stone God has me pinned to the back of the seat."

"My head feels a bit heavy. I can feel the Stone God following me around, pressing on my head gently."

by Crazy Max April 5, 2009

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