A measurement of distance. Farther than a blip but not quite as far as a hop skip and a jump.
Dallas, Oregon is just a burp away from Salem.
When your stomach starts to do whale sounds and you want to kill yourself in the process because you've done it in front of your crush.
When John invited his crush to Starbucks, his stomach burping, so he tried to kill himself before the coffee was served.
When you shove your meat in the anal area of a turkey to make the turkey call out
Did you hear that cody was a turkey burping last night
A respectful Hello from your stomach to the audience.
Alex: Starts Burping
Nini: Oh, hi! whats up!
a sound a burp makes traveling up your throat before it comes out, a pre burp
mom: say excuse me next time
me: it was a deepthroat burp *burps for real*
When you drink a sprite or Fanta or whatever and you burp and you feel that shit through your nostrils and can taste it in your nose.
I just drank some sprite cranberry and it was great *sprite burps*
1) When a woman expels air from her nether regions, otherwise known as a queef.
2) When someone belches while performing oral sex.
Me and my girl smashed so hard last night that she laid a wicked crotch burp when she got off me.