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Chicken date

The ultimate line to ask someone if you are interested in going on a date. Usually involves two people going to a chicken restaurant, ordering chicken and eating it romantically.

β€œJimmy asked Adion out on a chicken date and he said yes”

by the young van August 28, 2022

17πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Chicken Fiddler

A complete ass hole who insists on getting chickens and placing them just a few feet away from my bedroom window, and then decides to start hosing them down at 6am every morning which makes them cluck like crazy and then starts digging around in gravel with a shovel! Basically a complete cunt...

Who the fuck needs to hose chickens down at 6am every morning tho?

OMG it's 6am and the chicken fiddler next door is soaking his chickens with the hose pipe again! Now they won't shut up clucking! Ahhhhh

Fuck you John!

by Pissed off neighbour February 18, 2013

17πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Chicken and Rice

Slang term for a Halal food cart on the corner of 53rd St and 6th Ave in Manhattan, New York City. The platter is the most common thing ordered which consists of chicken, lamb, and beef served over yellow rice with white sauce. It is the most delicious meal in the world.

Chicken and Rice does not need an example, go experience it for yourself.

by CupBdown March 5, 2008

76πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Frying Chicken

The action (taken by a man) of pissing loudly with such force that it sounds like bubbling oil and frying chicken. Men who do this are alpha males, women love them.

Damn boy, you frying chicken down there? Just kidding, but you piss real loud, I like that.

by P1ssbugzz December 14, 2020

37πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

tender chicken

the female equivalent of a hard-on -- "when your twinky tingles"

"That hot boy gives me tender chicken"

by Valcious August 7, 2006

80πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

water chicken

1) A duck.
2) A person who routinely participates in unwise or ill-planned actions, then feels jaded at the negative consequences. For concision, it is at the moment of realisation or epiphany of the mistake, just as the jaded feeling, embarrassment and regret begins to kick in, that the perpetrator is at his peak of waterchickeniness.

1) "A water chicken is a duck!"
2) "You had to pull the string and spring the trap, didn't you... You water chicken."

by Robert S. Blung + Mr. Caiptain January 25, 2012

41πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

chicken tenders

1. Delicious chicken dish involving a slab of boneless chicken which is dipped and fried.

2. A term which can describe any body part that the speaker chooses.

3. Can really be substituted for any noun that the speaker chooses...if they want to make it akward.

Fatty: "I like chicken tenders"

Pedophile: "I have chicken tenders in my basement..."

Robber: "You will put the chicken tenders in the bag!"

Druggie: "So...you got any chicken tenders?"

Drug Dealer: "You want some...chicken tenders?"

by Argonak April 12, 2008

56πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž