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I Look Like a different Person

I Look Like a different person means I look prettier or more mature etc

"omg this eye liner is so good I look like a different person!"

by thebtchyouhate November 27, 2023

The difference between justification and understanding

Oh we understand it now! That a thing we understand now because the violence is being directed in the way we want the distinction is a thing we accept now.

Hym "So, I used to talk about the difference between justification and understanding and now we all understand that I was CORRECT. I am justified in saying that this is the kind of shit that gets your kids murdered and instead of NOT DOING IT... You are doing it and robbing me... And somehow... That is supposed to teach me to not murder your kids? So now that we are all on the same page. You need to UNDERSTAND that you need to change what you are doing in such a way that it gets me my money. Because you are not JUSTIFIED in taking from me and if we are doing unjustified things to eachother... I KNOW WHAT UNJUSTIFIED THING I'M GOING TO PICK."

by Hym Iam December 14, 2024

Different Strokes

The gay version of heads up seven up

Hey Tim’s having a get together this weekend; heard they’re going to play different strokes again in his basement.

by Desert lightning November 23, 2019

Think differently

"He needs to think differently"~Person who thinks their mind is better than yours. I'm glad I had this one primed. I've has this in the tabs for a week.

Hym "Trying to control what people think is far more morally repugnant than trying to control was they do. And the idea that I need to think differently is predicated on an a priori presupposition that you mind works better than mine. If your mood does not reflect your circumstance then you are delusional. It that 'This is fine' meme where everything is on fire. You don't give a shit about peoples mental health, you give a shit about denying yourself culpability. See, she's existing wrong and if only your thought were in her brain... Well then she'd be one of the true Scottsman! Golden and pure. Then you would cooperate. Then she could be allowed to exist qithin the confines of your solipsistic reality. This is you conflating the outcome of your life with the superiority of your ethos. Your ego can't take it. You can't NOT be the master of reality. You did reality right. And no one cam tell you otherwise."

by Hym Iam March 11, 2023

drip different

Simply just not one of them. You have that shit on. Dripping, but on a different level.

Yeah that’s Trent over there. He drip different.

by TickleYaToesT December 6, 2022

Kids Dubbed Different

People who are not swayed over by anything, they do not follow trends they start trends, they have never been the ones to be boxed up, they are divergents by nature, jacks of all traits and they are always trying to make a difference, may look weak but they are strong in the mind

Look at them looking all weird and stuff, they are probably kids dubbed different

by Kid Different February 28, 2016

Different strikes

When you can't kiss both sides of your lovers face.

Hey I heard your batting average just hit 2.3! Different strikes for different reichts!

by Shitschecks December 30, 2019