The Douche Horn is that cliche air horn sound that is only played by people who don't realize it's not 2009 anymore, and/or still think it's cool.
It serves as a "musical" stinger or stab when someone doesn't can't think of something clever and is happy to copy something that may have been interesting a long time ago. For example, if you search YouTube for "DJ Airhorn Sound Effect" you'll find a sample which demonstrates the sound and which has been around since 2016.....and it's not the first.
It's the audio equivalent of "that's what I'm talking about," "yeah, baby," "that's the ticket," and the Borat "High Five-a."
Simply put...only a douche would play that sound and think it's a good idea after 2014.
That DJ blows. He keeps playing the Douche Horn unironically over the music.
The act of sticking a brass mouthpiece in the anus and playing the person like a trumpet
Damn, James is gonna let me horn store them later
Something that is very awesome, but also very rare.
Hey, have you heard of that vegan soft serve shop?
Yeah, man. That place is the unicorn's horn.
If you're ever lucky to meet an Ajax Horn. You are to be one of the luckiest people alive. They are, handsome, selfless, and honest. Always tending to others before themselves. Takes the time out of their day to send you a good morning and goodnight message even after just speaking to them over the phone. They are a one of a kind friend. A best friend. Someone willing to listen when you pour your heart out. Someone willing to smile through the day when you can't. Someone willing to come up with all the lamest jokes to make you laugh. Ajax Horn's is everything you could ever want in a person and more. They are love, they are happiness, they are laughter, they are light on the darkest of days. Soft and gentle when things get rough. They deserve the world. They deserve nothing but happiness and love. If I were to have an Ajax Horn, I would do nothing short of continuously proving how much he means to me. Mwuah x
Do you have an Ajax Horn?
Yes I DO!! He's the best.
The apotheosis of sexiness a deity of sex a true chad hit him up ladies 603-513-9827
connor horne is so hot
a stupid fucking faggot that nobody fucking loves including his own mother. Sam Horning is inherently a Neo-Nazi supporting racism and the euthanization of black people.
sam horning is fucking rat poison