A SKITTLES candy wrappes used to PARK A SPOON and add COLOR to KUALA LUMPUR BEACH.
Another nuisance lawsuit filed JULY 22, 2022 against M & M MARS for some value added WHITE STRAW.
Hey dumbasses I don't EAT SHIT AND SKITTLES together as that Ibe too terroristic to SKTTLE KAT and if you want some advice take a NININI BEACH BABY WHITE STRAW fruitcake and ",GET LOST ON A COUNTRY ROAD".
The coating has VARNISH TITANIUM DIOXODE SKITTLE KAT as do you know your VITAMINS you take are coated with....
Thsts some weird shit
K:yo aaron people ship us
A:Woop woop thats the sound of the police
K:kat x aaron wouldnt work atm
A pathetic oversensitive fatherless child that uses discord and has borderline unrealistic family issues. They're now an admin in the server called AR's Pond. They randomly vent in the main chat when they're not supposed to and it ruins the mood.
They also have a stupid borderline snowflake level explanation on what "IRLS" are. They compared identifying as a fictional character like Moondrop or Sans to being trans.
They're notorious for being oversensitive about comfort characters, Whenever someone insults the said comfort character, They go apeshit whenever they are online.
They also whine a lot like "wahh my mom turn off my wifi".
They also have a squadron of friends which share the same borderline idiotic personality as them.
The discord server is available in AR Sucks' YouTube channel and can be accessed in one of the channel's videos in the description.
Madvertise: Yeah Kat Likes Stars is a pathetic child
Cursed Fish: Fr, LMAO
A tall sexy Russian woman who often wears cat ears, responds to the call, "here kitty kitty," and meows in a seductive manner.
Did you see that pussy kat just walk by us? Come here kitty kitty.
Mama Kat is a girl who gives no shits about life and is just a figure on Discord. Nobody gives two fucks about her, and she doesn't care.
Who is that new girl? Oh, it's just Mama Kat.
getting back together with an ex
I was pulling a kat when I got back with my ex, so dumb
He is a very bad personality
No cated da kat needs not to be used but destroyed