Source Code

Italian mafia

North New Jersey.

The Italian mafia, all 5 crime families are secretly running North Jersey.

by Petey Gonzalez February 23, 2009

24👍 74👎

killa mafia

an up and comin rap group from TX, MD,FL and NY...the groups starting members are...
MC NeX, Code Red, Ben Davis, and L.O.S.
now they have new souljahz like...
Jah Murda, pac man, S.K.B., grim, and ghost souldja...

their da shit

person 1 - "whos da future of hip hop?"

by L.O.S. September 22, 2006

7👍 16👎

Toaster Mafia

A mafia that's sol purpose is to take all the toasters in the world and use them to create the HILERBOT 5000

"Oh no! The Toaser Mafia stole our toasters and are eating our children!"

by Tim Allen September 13, 2003

7👍 16👎

Chalbanian mafia

Gang that runs Sterling Heights. Mostly Albanian and Chaldean. Too people. Toni Lulgjuraj, gjohn Lulgjuraj, Ali cherri. Pimp tino, and Kevin Zora. Only ucal niggas out here baby.

Chalbanian Mafia runs this shit

by Moneymakers December 12, 2018

6👍 13👎

626 Mafia

A street gang from the San Gabriel Valley. The organizations' colors are blue and black. Their main focus is getting money. Claims any area within the San Gabriel Valley. They often refer to themselves as "626xMF" and "Six Deuce Mafia."

That wall over there has "626xMF" written on it.

That guy has a blue and black bandana, he must be in 626 Mafia.

by a.ramirez April 21, 2021

3👍 5👎

KAOS Mafia

KAOS is an underground mafia secret to the public. KAOS is connected to over 1000 cities around the world. They do mostly assassination contracts but also they run chop shops, do major burgulary, hacking, extorsion, espionage, smuggling (non-narcotic), etc. KAOS was responsible for the mafia hit of JFK. Usually if an assassination goes unsolved or an extremely valuable object is stolen with no leads, KAOS is responsible. KAOS is currently in a secret war with the Russian Mafia, the Neo-Nazi groups around the world, and the Colombian drug cartels like the North Valley Cartel.

Missouri Governors plane mysteriously crashes? Probably a KAOS Mafia hit.

by Deep Throat 06 June 15, 2006

6👍 14👎

marist mafia

Marist Mafia was founded by two young men whose lives have been corrupted by drugs, extortion, and other organised crime. These two men are infamous all over the world, particually in Mediteranian countries such as Italy and Sicily. These two men go by the names of Roboito© and Santino©.

Both of these Mafia Dons© have not only inherited a vast amount of financial inferstructure, but they have also added to it to a fairly large extent (with the money that they aquire from organised crime).

These 2 Godfathers© have ways of dealing with people that you couldn't even dream of. They wouldn't just wack you, they would do something far more traditional. First, they would panty raid you. Then, they would spit roast you. And finally, they would put you on the block. These are all unsavoury acts which are best not to even be thought about.

Roboito© and Santino© tend to work alone when it comes to the business part of Marist Mafia dealings. However, they have millions of worldwide associates. For example: in the South West Pacific they have connections and colleagues who go by the name of DOS disciple of sniffa LTB, 565, SCAT SOLDIERS, PANTY RAID AUTHENTIC and many more.

These two founders of the Marist Mafia have also founded another world famous institute which is run by an associate of Roboito© and Santino©. However this associates name is confidential. This institute is called M.M.D.B.C which stands for MARIST MAFIA DRIVE BY COMMITTEE©. The Committee uses a range of guns from AK's to Berettas to Glocks to Fo Fo's.

So as you can see, the Marist Mafia is a worldwide organisation who has a reputation for organised crime, drugs and extortion throughout the world.

A few words of wisdom...
Don't fuck with the Marist Mafia.

Marist Mafia says: "Ayo Franky! You come round here one more time, I'm gonna have to wack ya! KA-PEESH?

Franky says: "No, please Roboito© and Santino©!! I'll do anything! Why would you even dream of touching me anyway"?

Marist Mafia says: "Because I do what i wanna do ya know! SMOKE 'EM!

by LTB565 January 10, 2005

6👍 14👎