A fart preceded by a nearly identical sounding fart
Mark unloaded another whopper, and it was deja toot all over again.
Using a bathroom in public can be a very embarassing experience...especially if a piss-toot is involved! A piss-toot is when you are peeing and to your surprise a fart slips out.
I piss-tooted in the bathroom and it stunk so bad a baby started crying!
Little fart escaping the butthole at minimal speed.
"Jerry, did you just let out a pebble toot!"
Synonyms: Rock toot, stone toot, little fart, and puff of air.
"Jerry, did you just let out a pebble toot!"
1) Heavy south eastern United States slang for the motivational mantra; "Do It To It, Boys!"
Elt, I swarny! Kaint never could, so "doot toot bows!" Ain't skeered!... Mama, reach me my baby. We're headed to WALMART! WOOO!!!
Re-tooted is the action of farting simultaneously one after another
"I just re-tooted like 7 times"
A word to mimic the sound a fart makes.
She farted while twerking and it made a noise like "toot toot".