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no type of timeing

when people dont show up

im waiting for the opps but they got no type of timeing

by kill me ur gay February 7, 2020

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Sophie's Type

A guy who is very chavvy-looking but quite smart as well as being quite quiet and very basic. They also have abandonment issues but also don't get too attatched

Oh look at the group of chavs.

That one is such a Sophie's Type.

by We'll then... January 18, 2020

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Type O Negative

A kick ass band with an interesting sound I love them.

None i dont want to put aN example quit it now you stupi piece of a broke down computer

by Fawn December 9, 2003

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Universal Type O

A person who is universally accepted as being good-looking.

The "Sugar Crew" are a bunch of Universal Type O girls.

by Elle August 28, 2004

word Type any...

At school? At work? Bored? You looking at the wrong place moron.

Man I'm just soooo bored right now, what if I typed "word Type any... "

by KillerXsurvivorXBOX360 January 20, 2021

Brachydactyly Type D

Brachydactyly is a shortening of the fingers and toes due to strange short bones. This is an inherited or mutated condition, and in most cases does not present any problems for the person who has it. There are Many different varieties of Brachydactyly the main ones being Type A and D. Sometimes the person only has it on one side.

Names it is sometimes referred to as include, Clubbed thumbs, toe thumbs, Murders thumbs.

Type D is prone in woman.Type D is caused by a gene called HOXD13 and is in the homeobox gene family.

The most famous person with this condition is Megan Fox.

Boy 1: Hey what's wrong with your thumb it looks like a toe!!!
Boy 2: Don't be so mean she's got a condition, whats it called again?
Girl 1: Brachydactyly Type D.

by Abigale Newton June 8, 2018

Type 1 Diabetes

The one where your pancreas HATES you !

Having it is a full time job that never really gets taught, it's one you learn on the go, every day has new obstacles. There's no 30 minute breaks or vacations & it comes with a lot of responsibility. You can't quit because it's literally life and death

Well, I have type 1 diabetes and i hate it ! Just want a normal life

by DiabeticDisaster January 28, 2021