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A big dick white Mexican.

Victor A big dick white Mexican with ugly teeth

by Pale beaner November 23, 2021


A big dick pale Mexican with semi-ugly teeth

Victor has a big dick but ugly teeth

by Pale beaner November 23, 2021


The most adorable guy you'll ever meet. Not only is he sweet, caring and lovely, but also funny, hot and sexy. He knows what he wants, and also knows how to get it. His charm is irresistable, because he understands you better than you yourself do. Usually he has a lot of friends, because he got the best jokes and everyone loves him for his humour. But he opens up only for the ones that really matter. He knows how to party, and he's a lover of good wine. He smokes a lot, because he can't quit this nast habit that he's got since he was 15 years old. His family bothers him, but he loves them anyway. If you find a Victor, keep him. You'll never find a guy like him.

Oh my gosh you new boyfriend is amazing! He's a real Victor

by cinderellasgotagun November 14, 2017


He is a big boi

Victor is good at fucking people.

by Big boi 699999 September 20, 2019


Whipped af.

Jeez that guys so whipped, but not more whipped than Victor.

by jiggle169 March 28, 2023


My Love -Aliyah

victor is so yummy

by Aliyah.. November 21, 2022


blair is a tiny buttocks

blair is a victor

by george pork February 5, 2024