Willfully doing something intentionally or unintentionally irresponsible or out right dumb
You just went fully retard by pulling a john
Some very muscular guy that works as a entertainer by wrestling.Recently undergoes neck surgery. Has a girlfriend named Nikki Bella.
Born to break every WWE record.
Also has catchy theme song.
John Cena is a person's name.
A wrestler and a meme.
Meme: Do a deer a female deer ....... la a note to follow so, Tee I drink with jamin bread. And that will bring us back to......John Cena Do do do doooooooo. AND HIS NAME IS JOHN CENA!!!!!!!
Search up best john cena vines up on u-tube to see more!
WWE wrestler whose body is invisible & that's why you can't see him.
Random Guy 1: I saw John Cena
Random Guy 2: Where
Random Guy 1 : Right Behind Me
Random Guy 2: But There's No One Behind You
Random Guy 1: But I saw him behind me
You can't see it.
"Look guys! It's John Cena!"
"Oh false alarm boys it's just a ghost."
Person 1: how old is your great grandmother?
Person 2: as old as the John Cena meme