The Charles Effect is named after Charles Leclerc a monegasque F1 driver, and it's when drivers wink for no reason while being at the padock
Did you see how hot Carlos looked when he winked at the podium? The Charles Effect is really really is amazing!
The Charles effect is named after f1 driver Charles Leclerc. He wears bandanas on his head very often. You could often see him wearing them on streams. You can also find some pictures on his instagram with it on.
It is customary to say to people who wear bandanas that they just experience this effect.
-Does Lando have a bandana on his head?
-Yeah, I think he's got The Charles Effect.
When you watch an old movie or show that was hd enhanced and now you can see the nipples thru the girls shirts
so i was watching season 1 of friends on Netflix holy shit the friends effect
Incorrect 'bodged, cheap electrical craftsmanship, as a result of a large number of unskilled, inexperienced, beta males. in a closed environment.
when viewing poor electrical installation - 'who has succumbed to the Evans effect', 'have i just entered the Evans effect'
The Armstrong effect is a situation where so many people hear some bullshit that they believe it , like Neil Armstrong walking on the moon
She said to me "I was so disappointed when jonny pulled his little wiener out , it was tiny, I heard it was massive ". I replied " ahh that's just the Armstrong effect happening again"
The Armstrong effect is a situation where so many people hear some bullshit that they believe it , like Neil Armstrong walking on the moon
"I was so disappointed when jonny pulled his little wiener out , it was tiny, I heard it was massive ". " ahh that's just the Armstrong effect happening again"
Any time YouTuber Blameitonjorge covers a lost media case, it is sure to be found soon after.
I can't believe Copeland's Herobrine sighting stream was found, The Blameitonjorge Effect is real!