The worst thing. Can't wait for death!
Life has diseases at every corner, and tears coming from your eyes every fucking day!
1. "Life sucks man."
What is the point of living? You are wasting resources and you are a waste of space. Life is a lie.
The short period between partying and total oblivion.
Live it the best way you can and revel in 𝐿𝒾𝒻𝑒 and its wonder.
an eternal void in which we live in.
and die in too.
me:"I hate life"
A Fuckin cereal why yall depressed 14 year old girls always asking "what is life" jeez
Bob-Hey jim, what is life?
Jim-Well bob, life is just a godamn mildly good tasting cereal selling at participating retailers near you.
A cereal, a kindof flavorless one if you ask me.
"Hey jim I've been going through some shit lately and I wanna know... what is life"
"Well Bob life is a pretty good cereal brand wich is sold at supermarkets NEAR YOU!"