Simple juice is a southern Ohio term used fir an inbred back wood's folk that's not a fully non functional mentally challenged person, but a high functional mentally challenged person. These individuals can get state assistance without being institutionalized or hidden in the root cellar.
Damn it boy, why'd you do that? Your momma give you to much simple juice when you were a baby....DUMB ASS.
Slang term for a man ejaculates and his seed flies all over the place when busting a fat nut.
Man: "Crap! I yeet juiced all over my bed!"
Anything that comes out of boys, besides pee pee.
Dude did you hear about Cammy? He jumbalaya juiced all over the couch last night while he watched Kim and Kourtney take NY.
Noun, or verb.
A special liquid similar to water but in a different dimension in a world called Uplypa.
Pass that Versace Juice aight.
1. A type of juice that, true to its name, causes immense, unexplained pain in the bones
2. The (often intentional) misuse of a meme template
"What was that drink you left on my desk?"
"Bone hurting juice."
"It tasted good!...Ow my bones hurt oof ow ouch"
a chain of annoying moments when everything act weird, starting with the beginning of a person's day.
A mixture of ass juice and vape juice smoked out of a vape
What do you know about jubungolo juice try some