when someone eats the feces of their partner
I did a good poop job
Having anal sex in a state or country where it is frowned upon and/or illegal to do so.
"How was your trip to Alabama?"
"It was great! We did the Poop Chute Boogaloo ever night we were there."
The poop threshold, or (poop thresh) is the timing in which a person with Irritable Bowel Syndrome has to take a fat dump. You sit outside of that threshold all day until suddenly you feel it and know you can poop again, but hurry up because if you wait to long you may miss your queue and then you’ll have to wait to re-enter your poop thresh.
“Get out of my way, I need to use that toilet, I appear to have entered the poop thresh!”
*starts farting*
Mange caused by straining too hard to poop.
The pressure that built up while straining to poop pushed all of the hair out of my body. I've got poop mange!
when someone and their friend our out of jokes they will say "i pooped"
freind 1: *sighs*
friend 2: "hey guess what"
friend 1: "whats up?'
friend 2 "i pooped"
friend 1: hahaha
Melted poop - Diarrhea, or loose stool.
5 yr old Daughter - I just went to the bathroom and I have melted poop.
When pooping in a public restroom stall, this is any individual that is also pooping in an adjacent stall, either on the left or right or both. Having one or more Pooping Partners is generally undesired as you are often subjected to your Pooping Partner's loud grunts, snorts, and flatulence as well as having to deal with the smells of your own defecation mingling with theirs.
I hate having pooping partners. Took me 30 to find a bathroom with only one stall.
My pooping partner today almost gassed me out. Couldn't breathe for my entire shit session.
I heard my pooping partner grunt like a dying goat.