When you smoke too much shibby and your eyes are squinted like a smiling Santa Clause.
Bro, you so lit, you got Santa Clause eyes.
A type of stare that the person head remains in the same position but their eye balls go crazy and look at you on the side
Her mom always give me the yeti eyes.
When you have gone to sleep late and wake up 4-6 hours later and you can barely open your eyes because your so tired
Mate you got some serious prune eyes
Yeah I stayed up late last night
The skin below your eye and above your cheek bone.
Are you tired? Your eye taint is puffy.
That red rash under your eyes, like chapped winter lips but your eyes.
“It’s getting so cold out, I hate having these chapped under-eyes”
When you smoke weed and your eyes get red like the inside of a watermelon
Damn Timmy had watermelon eyes last night
It means that something looks bad. Or if you wear something that's totally ugly and your mom thinks you look "handsome" or "pretty".
"Hey, guys does my outfit look good?"
"Only in your mother's eyes."
"Oh my god, I just drew the best Shrek!"
"Pfft, only in your mother's eyes."