A compliment for someone’s art that says it’s really good, maybe even Disney level
I’m getting a phone call. Disney wants their artist back.
😱: Chelsea Peretti Is The Ginger Ale Back Smcaker.
A person so fat, that the fat folds over their shoulder blades making eyes and their lower back crease makes a mouth.
Look, Face back is going to dive in the swimming pool.
When in a game of phone tag and you don’t get a call back after returning your call from the game of phone tag
“ I didn’t get a call back to the back what happened?”
Like back-peddling refers to when you pedal backwards on a bike. Back-paddling is trying to back-peddle when you have no solid ground to stand on like in the ocean.
He still thinks he's winning, dude is just a back-paddling Pirate of the I don't Caribbean
When you have a massive dump and flush the toilet but the shit stays in the bowl and you have to reflush.
-I had a massive dump today that didn't want to be flushed.
- Oh, so you had a float back mountain?
A piece of shit user of the urban dictionary who spreads fake bullshit about democrats. Needs to shut the hell up.
"Bring Back The Constitution needs to stop fucking with us and go hang out with Rush Limbaugh."