Wonky eye. Eye that doesn't go in the correct direction, or same direction as the other eye.
She had that wonky eye. I didn't know who she was looking at.
The look a person gives you when they don't know which side or thing to choose like being on the fence.
Dude she wants me to choose a movie but she had those fenceful eyes.
(noun) A look seen in the eye of a potential mate that insinuates they are interested in engaging in anal sex acts.
"He gave me that Bada-Boom Eye, and I knew it was love."
"The night I saw the Bada-Boom Eye, our relationship changed forever."
Pink eye while in Russia (2014 Winter Olympics)
"It would totally suck to have Sochi eye like Bob Costas."
Also Iowa Lamps or Greenhorns. The way rural newcomers and persons from the provinces stare for prolonged periods of time at urban dwellers, usually with a disbelieving, gawky incredulity. The gaze predictably derives not only from the usual unfamiliarity with the pace, rhythms and protocols of city life, but also an unmistakable unlettered and unsophisticated countenance and temperament.
Sari and I tend to avoid certain urban attractions moreso in the summer than other times of the year. Places like the arcade, central fountain and the boardwalk are simply not pleasurable with all those largely rural, out-of-town tourists out and about. They tend to stare at the locals with those Iowa Eyes or Lamps as if we were circus freaks or zoo animals.
When someone rolls their eyes in frustration.
My wife gave me the ol' eye sigh in bed.
some apple dude said it and now i cant stop
monkey covering eyes emoji, thanks