A person who is just vibin'. He's okay with the flow of things just as they are and tries not to intervene with the pace of life.
(Key player) - Imagine how frustrating it was to learn all keys parts just to find out I'd have to play bass at tomorrow gig;
(Bass player, sick) - /jei:/ , that's why don't learn keys parts;
(Key player) - Wow, I didn't know you were such a chill guy!
A stupid guy or girl usually named Jackson or nicknamed raker. These people are goofy enough to jump off a bridge onto cement.
Your Goofy ass bummy homeless guy is being really crazy. He keeps on asking to f my girl.
a recognizable male celebrity because of their employment at The Red Jug Pub on the college campus in on of the towns that possesses a Red Jug Pub.
When someone only eat one fry at the time
Buys fry at shop: Eats one fry
YOu are one fry guy
Referring to a person that wants to unite the entire humanity under one single Nation
Gui Dan will unite us all under one nation
means nigger in chinese. used in cleveland a bit. useful when u wanna say it around black guys without them knowing.
"Hey LeBron you stupid fucking hei gui make a shot!" said the racist chinaman.
Pizza Basement Guy (PBG for short) is a replacement for Pizza Tower Guy (PTG for short) in Pizza Basement. It's also a nickname for Megafrostbear.
Example 1
Person 1: 1 finally respited Pizza Tower Guy to Pizza Basement Guy.
Person 2: Ain’t no fucking way.
Example 2
Person 1: Have you heard of Pizza Basement Guy?
Person 2: You mean Megafrostbear?