When you're jerking off (or flicking the bean) and your "finish" is so extreme that you shit yourself.
"damn I was jerking it so hard last night I accidentally blunder pooped in my bed"
the nasty of the nasty women...steer clear..nothing to see here.
yo dude...steer clear of that one...she's a straight up poop butt dumpster.
When you push poop through someone’s mail slot.
Ralph tends to become a poop salesman when he is mad at people.
why just why did you search this??? u need help
happy national poop sock day!
An exceedingly uncomfortable and inconsistent bowel movement following a night of binge eating. It's often felt well before reaching the restroom, as the unplanned load had a combination of foods that ruined your guts.
Oh damn... I ate way to much grease last night on my binge. This morning I had a poop-nado ready to greet me.
The action to jerk off and poop at the same time, can be use to be said discreetly at a friend or relative who like to do the same
Me:Hey *friend* what did you do this weekend?
Friend: Oh I poop off all the weekend :)
Me: oh nice, I wish I could’ve been there :(
Friend: it’s ok we can always do it together next time^^!