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penis slut

dirty cum slut

you penis slut.

by wfjnbhjiwyuhhi hwighaiuwyhg4o8 August 7, 2021


A "loose" or promiscuous woman with multiple sex partners

She took on 5 guys behind the bar last night. It was slut-tastic.

by Cubby Dickins November 14, 2021

saliva slut

A whore that is constantly begging for mouth to mouth contact.

person 1: yo this hooker i met up yesterday wouldn't stop with the kisses, she was a real saliva slut.
person 2: wtf

by weirddegenerateguy April 20, 2020


A word that can be used in the place of bitch, or any words of the like.
-Note: Usually used in a playful manner, not seriously.

Guy 1: Dude, where the hell is my Dew?!

Guy 2: I drank it nig.

Guy 1: You fuckin slut-titter.

Guy 2: ...Happens to the best of us.

by Maccaroney December 7, 2010

Anime Slut

A person who frequently watches anime non-discriminatly, who often forgets or doesn't finish a series.

"Girl, I woke up this morning, and watched a couple episodes of...umm... OMG I forgot"
"Damn ur such an anime slut

by Lay-Z-Eye August 9, 2018

Fart Slut

A girl who farts during sex and oral

A fart slut on video Damn I don’t that on video

by Hannahpetiudie July 17, 2021


Cooper fucks with girls emotions than fucks a fat girl just cause he wants something to fuck he also might have sucked another guys dick while high

Man-slut often used with the word cooper and a hoe.

by Cooper a bitch March 26, 2019