When someone has an unordinarily large case of permanent cross-eye, when one eye kind of dangles off by itself.
May also be confused with a lazy eye.
"Hey look at that cross-eyed bitch"
"No that's a dangle eye"
When you’re getting blasted with the boys but the alcohol makes you look like a serial killer.
Look at Ashlynn, she’s got the “Rogers Drunk Eyes”.
Having feelings for and / or a crush on someone who you are not yet close enough with to ask out - someone experiencing this syndrome will appear to have ‘heart eyes’ when said person enters a room, attempting to telepathically communicate with person
Have you seen Hannah when Peter enters the room? Total Heart Eye Syndrome!
when you know something important or exciting is going to happen and you cant wait for it, but you're racking your brains out trying to find out when. therefore you cant focus, and your eyes begin to dart around the room constantly and many people notice
it was dark and i knew it was coming, but i couldnt tell when. i was waiting patiently, then it came. a hand on my face and i turned....everything on earth stopped
i was glad the eye spasm i was previously having stopped
Stink eye is the out come of the 69er gone wrong. So when you give someone Stink eye it’s looks like someone has farted in thier eye.
A B-Word the word spelled out is B-I-T-C-H
Tom: what is Bee Eye Tee See Aych
Nicholas: a bad word
A spelled out B Word which is B-I-T-C-H
Bob: what is Bee Eye Tee See Aych
Patricia: a bad word