A person who defends another person for no other reason than to get brownie points with them and into their pants.
"Jake you damn Meat-rider! It's so damn obvious you just defend him because you want to suck him off!"
The delicious penis, cock, dick, and crotch of a young attractive male boy when he spreads his legs open (Manspreads)
Boys such as young Leonardo DiCaprio, Shawn Mendes, Tom Holland, and Timothee Chalamet.
Boy's Meat: The delicious penis, cock, dick, and crotch of a young attractive male boy when he spreads his legs open (Manspreads)
Boys such as young Leonardo DiCaprio, Shawn Mendes, Tom Holland, and Timothee Chalamet.She wanted to suck Shawn Mende's boy meat ( penis ) and eat it.
She ate, bit, licked, and sucked on his boy meat till it masturbated.
She spread the handsome, hot, sexy, shirtless boy's legs in his sweatpants that revealed a big bulge, So she grabbed the bulge ( crotch ) and sucked on it till it hardened and got bricked up. Then, cum or semen came out and she squeezed on his testicles as she moaned and kept sucking out of it.
"She slid her wet tongue along the length of his throbbing boy meat."
The act of fellatii on a penis that has recently penetrated a rectum or has partaken in anal intercoarse.
Michelle:Donny's dick tasted wierd when we had that orgy ..
Jane you didn't see him banging Louis
In the ass just before that ......girl you were eating the Greek meat!
Another term for a blow job. The blower’s hand curves to make the “bread” and the blowee’s penis becomes the “meat.”
Ashley: What are you having for lunch today?
Marin: I’m meeting Blake and I’m gonna have a slick meat sandwich!”
A wet hollow pipe that sits between a woman’s legs.
Hey dude , i fucked Kassandras meat sock yesterday
Hey isn’t it time you clean your meat sock?