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The chicken run original soundtrack 2001

The best piece of art I’ve ever witnessed in my stupid ass life, like seriously one time I was at my 3rds cousin’s birthday party with some oriental background actresses along with one funeral clown and this frat dude (party boy from college) who was butt vapping some WD-40 at the time pulls out his Mac book pro and starts blasting the chicken run original soundtrack 2001 and immediately the space time continuum breaks and the one true god (ginger from WWE.com) speaks to me in a disappointing mother like tone and says “say it don’t spray it” then the bruh sound effect comes booming from the distance like operation rolling thunder and I wake up in the middle of my annual lobotomy visit. My point is this stuff is more metal that bismith

Doug:“Dude did you hear about how my grandma got boned to death in the hospital, feelsbadman”

Ramadan Steve : don’t even wack attack about that broshavik, I’ll just play the chicken run original soundtrack 2001 to 1st coming her back from the dead, it’s probably the best piece of art I’ve ever witnessed, it’s radical my bruh” *plays chicken run original soundtrack*

Doug: h*ck yeah dude you just saved my grandma from being boned by the grim reaper to death just like ginger from WWE.com boned the space time continuum, that sure is swell”

Ramadan Steve: “yeah whatever “Mohamed””

by Doomguy44 January 26, 2020

8👍 1👎

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

A slang term used to down-play a first place finish by NASCAR's Jeff Gordon. Often this term is used by mid-westerners who, for obvious reasons, feel threatened by the prowess of a driver from California. The ultimate use of the insult is to train a child under the age of 4 to yell it in the presence of #24 fans.

Likely the insult originates from the term's common use as it relates to a "cheap win" in Vegas.

... and the Chevy Dupont #24 takes the checkered-flag here at Darlington... Winner winner chicken dinner.

by Johnny Mercer November 21, 2007

196👍 1402👎

No more chicken for you Dr. Phil

It's when someone asks you a question and you don't know what the answer is , or you don't want to say the answer So instead of not answering you say, "No More Chicken For You Dr. Phil"

"So have you ever smoked weed?"
"No More Chicken for you Dr. Phil"

by Houng Sisi August 27, 2008

18👍 15👎

aint nothing but a chicken wing on a string

insignificant mild inconveiniance.

"man, i just crashed my porsche 911 into a tree swerving to miss those migdets...."

"that sucks!"

"eh, aint nothing but a chicken wing on a string"

"your taking this well"

"no, im dead inside...."

by Daver334 November 4, 2006

74👍 44👎

corn-pow chicken

A traditional dish going back to the first roots of the Mexinese people of North America. Infuses the greases of common mexican corn with the greases of chinese-style Kung-Pow Chicken.

"Hey Mexi-fry, some people in the office were hoping you bring Mexi-fried rice or Corn-Pow Chicken to the potluck dinner tonight"

by DMackCDA June 12, 2007

1👍 12👎

Big Mac Chicken Legend Sundae

A joke made by Rooster Teeth in the Rooster Teeth Podcast #201.
It comes from a story Burnie Burns (the co-founder of Rooster Teeth) told about Daniel Gruchy (a friend of Rooster Teeth and fellow Youtuber) getting confused about the McDonald's menu, as he thought they read left to right instead of top to bottom, ending with the result "Big Mac Chicken Legend Sundae".

McDonald's Employee: Welcome to McDonald's, what do you want?
Dan: Um...I'll have a...um...
McDonald's Employee: We need you to respond sir, you're holding up the line.
Dan: Fine, I'll have a Big Mac Chicken Legend Sundae.
McDonald's Employee: Excuse me?
Dan: What, are they sold out or something?
McDonald's Employee: I'm sorry, I just...just pick something else.
Dan: How about a Chicken Nugget Sausage McMuffin Coca-Cola.
Gavin, who has been standing behind Dan this entire time, calls Dan a "fucking idiot", turns around, and walks away.

by ThatPyro February 29, 2016

5👍 1👎

Do you want chicken tonight?

When a situation gets way to tence and you have to say something to break the ice!

Girl; I'm in love with you!
Guy; UHHHh.....
Girl: lowl- Do you want chicken tonight?

by ???//puz?/BigT/UD\|<3 November 10, 2009

5👍 1👎