Source Code

Bog O War

When you and an opponent place a double ended dildo in your arses. Then commence pushing it out into your opponent’s arse. Winner is the first to poop out the dildo.

This party is getting boring, I’ll grab the dildo and we can play some Bog O War.

by Annoyingfister69 May 3, 2021

Goodnight o

Goodnight o is a Cambodian slang word that typically refers to a typical Goodnight but with the o meaning they are someone younger than you and of an opposite gender that you are intimate with or are dating or have feelings towards them or having mutual feelings for oneanother.

Goodnight o I love u <3.

by Laychee April 29, 2023

O Smith

Smith is a lustful creature first seen in the castletown in the series world and next in Abyss World 3. He is known to have sex with ALL women in the village. His most known sentence is "en o Smith, epien sto xorko je egamisen oules tis ginekes!"

Can be mentioned in a sentence for describing someone lustful or saying that he has unbelievable rizz.being defined O Smith

by Karamelas22 March 11, 2024


i like monkeys.... are you a monkey?

person 1: i like M O N K E Y
person 2: why?
person 1: Why Not?

by Skibrosl March 29, 2023

Cock Jell-O

When your cum comes out Jiggly and Elastic-like or as like a Gelatin substance

My cum looked like Jell-O so would it be Cock Jell-O

by Fuzzball April 23, 2021

Bottle o' hendos

For my fellow Sheffielders this is a common phrase among those who like Henderson's Relish (let's face it if you don't like it, then you aren't a Sheffield lad or lass)

Bob: "passus bottle o'hendos will thy"
Jim' "Alreet, 'ere stick that on thy pie"
Bottle o' hendos = Bottle of Henderson's Relish

by Proper Sheffield lad July 31, 2021

splif' o kief

when you make a spliff mixed with kief

guy1: bro do you have any weed left
guy2: nah cuh but i have some kief so we can make a splif' o kief!

by Jesus_is_my_nigga November 29, 2021