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The most useless use of diamonds in minecraft

Joe: Ay I got some diamonds, time to make a hoe
John: *incomprehensible screaming*

by FEGELIEN!!!! May 11, 2020


It is a person or animal named jaena

Wow you are such a hoe

by Fred Browne July 16, 2018


A person who SLEEPS AROUND

That girl is such a hoe
Does she sleep around?
Well no?.
Then she's not a hoe she's just slutty

by Unknowndanvers March 29, 2017


Tool used to till dirt to plant seeds and carrots
Not used to plant nether wart.

Hey man, pass me that dirty used hoe.

by bjidadjiaji October 19, 2020


if the bitch name shay, ny, nae, nay, keke, lele, siyah, siya, kk, etc. she’s a hoe

“that girl over there had sex in the V, she a hoe for real

by dababybbc February 1, 2022


A person who can date multiple people in a small number of time

Someone is a hoe she has dated 20 people in the last 3 months

by Hshdhgrbe November 22, 2018


A girl that knows who you like and then dates them. Fucks anything with a heartbeat. Dates at least 8 guys in 3 months.

Guy #1: "She's a hoe."
Guy #2: "Yeah, she's dated 9 guys this month."

by pulseofthefaggots March 13, 2017