A term for a low life female who can most likely be found in an urban (non-rural) setting.
Person A: I met a girl at the bar last night, she was funny and interesting!
Person B: She was just another urban hole.
a black hole where great word definitions go to die
Sea Biscuiting got Urban holed.
A term generally used by twitter (or other social media) gay men to define the act of accidentally posting photos of their anus on their main social media- or more generally nudes on their public social media profiles, instead of their alternate media profiles which are usually specifically for the purpose of sharing nudes.
Accidentally posted Hole on main yesterday, so many new follows now
Wow, did you see That girl her NUNNY hole was exposed
A hole for a mole, a mole hole
We made a mole hole last Tuesday.
When you shove your dick in a mound of shit thus creating a mole hole appearance.
"JARED are you fuckin shit?"
The term gamer- hole was created when the legendary Mine-crafter Dylan dug a 10 x 10 hole to bed rock and hence forth was the gamer hole.