When a man shoves various meats into his significant others asshole and proceeds to preform anal sex with said significant other
Not hungry babe? How about the Jamaican meat mountain ?
A Meat Tornado is the act of swinging, flailing and or spining your dick around in circular motions like a "helicopter dick" but without using your hands.
One guy at a party was asked to show his party trick which was a helicopter dick. Thinking thats nothing specail, a random guy yells out loud "you call that special. "Check out this meat tornado!"
The feeling of having hit your head after consuming a large meal of meat.
Oh wow, that was a delicious meal but now I think I might have a meat concussion.
Johnny's girlfriend is out of town for a few weeks. I guess he gonna be a meat baseter
A total slut. Basically a penis-struck girl.
Girl - Hey boys! I'll see any or all of you in the locker bay after school!
Guy - Fuck off you Meat Lion!
Aussie - usually when you use your $85 jumbuck rotisserie bbq to cook some amazing meats
Just stuck a lamb leg on the $85’r and now sinking some XXXX. Meat Spinning at its finest
Spin on Cunts
The act of getting your meat retwisted
Yooo I just got a Meat Twist yesterday