aka Pinkeye, aka Conjunctivitis.
"Stinky Shit-eye" because conjunctivitis *can* be caused by fecal matter (human shit) making contact with your eyes.
Fuck out, with your stinky shit-eye.
To run/move so fast, that the observer’s eyes have a hard time catching up.
I’ll run so fast that I’ll run your eye out.
Fun, yet straight forward. LITERAL.
YOU HAVE THIS COUNTRY BOY style. Scott Eastwood Eyes look about you.
The cardinal's eye is a condition gained by men when sounding with rough items. The tip of the man's penis will become inflamed around the urethral opening. Weeping from the cardinal's eye is an occasional side effect of rough treatment of delicate parts.
I've got a terrible case of the Cardinal's Eye, doctor, can I get a tube of knob creme, please?
Deriving from the similar sounding German term 'gazunti' said when a person sneezes, cunt eye is the phenomenon where the penis or fingers of a male are inside of the female genitalia when she sneezes.
Ouch babe, you just gave me a cunt eye! I think it's broken my finger
Temple of eye is a tower that is in EGYPT and is on the dollar bill. used for the logo of "illumanati" but its for "god looking over you"
The Temple of eye is on the dollar bill