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Amir wilson

Amir wilson is a goddamn hoe

by IgotjokesYK February 13, 2022


A person that got broken up with that they loved very much but is trying to move on but can't because they loved that person so much so instead of getting over then the normal way they are sleeping around.

Bro Emily is such a hoe

by January 21, 2021


A girl named Chloe wood

Oh look there’s a hoe
Oh yeah man that’s chloe

by Chloewood May 30, 2019


Your Mom.

Your Mom is a hoe.

by ryyyannnn___ August 30, 2020


Alexis is a hoe. Sorry Alexis.

Alexis is a kind hoe. She only sex up her Italian man.

by Sum rando mando July 24, 2019


Danielle cohn *cough cough*

danielle da hoe

seriously made a small series of her getting preganant at 12 and it all turned into a prank? oh siss.

by Astagfirullah June 7, 2019


a female that doesnt know how to keep her legs closed. loves sex so much that she will fuck anyone and everyone.

yo, that girl is a fuckin hoe dawg. she been passed around the whole squad bro.

by Onlyrealvibes1 October 31, 2018