What people from the midwest (mostly michigan) call what others call "soda". It is called this because the can makes a popping noise when opened.
1. What some if not most people in the upper half of the United States call soda.
2. An onomatopoeia for when something bursts
3. A name used to address an experienced father or old-head, usually with an 's' at the end
4. The actions of cuando tu mamá te pega con la chancla
1.Friend: Hey man, want a can of pop?
Me: What?
2. When the balloon was squeezed it made a POP!
3. Hey Pops, I'll be back from college next week.
4. Reprobé mi examen ayer, y claro, mi mamá me dio un chanclazo desde el otro lado del cuarto.
(Verb) To give up, disengage, exit a situation very casually without care due to feeling a sense of freedom and understanding of the lack of consequences
I just watched every single student pop
To be successful, famous, popular, etc.
I miss those days in which Ke$ha, Katy, Gaga, Bey, and Cher Lloyd were popping. The newer songs just aren't as good.
Pops is a character is Regular Show and he was a Happy and Sweet man and he was a good friend, he treats everybody nice, he was always so happy. And he will always be remembered
Me: Man i'm really sad Pops died in Regular Show
Guy: Yeah he will always be my favorite character in Regular Show