Drop Pop is a news outlet company that has its main office located in Hidden Hills, Los Angeles.
I use Drop Pop as my main source of information.
Typically regarded as "the head of ones penis" on the internet.
When's the last time you washed your Marcos-Pop?
a) A somewhat accurate, but misogynistic, description of Anna Nicole Smith
b) an offensive term for a person who is neither mentally ill nor has a criminal record, but who has a habit of abusing their prescribed meds
c) an offensive term for a loose cannon, i.e a behaviorally unpredictable person
even professional social workers sometimes have difficulty differentiating between a pill-popping trainwreck definition b), a pill-popping trainwreck definition c), and an actor like Jack Nicholson portraying Randolph McMurphy in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
Basically a fun way to say "oh crap"
Oh Tiddle pops I spilled my soda!
Sad reflective reference used once before realizing 😕 its gathered up
Was or is a Hand job is still really a real job Because I can bomb pop down to blue
A girl is too hot so you have to pop and lock. You pop it in her and lock it in.
"Man she was so hot I had to pop and lock that bitch!" - Jeremy who is lying.
To enlist permission from another authority after one authority denied an initial claim. In practice, this would be like a child not getting a favorable permission from a parent, and then going to another to hopefully get a new, favorable outcome.
Lenny the office worker wanted to listen to music at work, but his boss said no. He then mom-and-popped the situation and asked his boss's boss to hear some tunes.