Source Code

Levi's law

Any application that is written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in Rust.

My friend: Hey, this app's backend is written in node
Me: Let's follow Levi's law and rewrite it in rust!!

by Manganhedenbergite January 22, 2024

Levy Corollary

A principle that states "The diameter of a woman's hoop earrings is directly proportional to her level of promiscuity."

The Levy Corollary is a filter used by men when trying to identify potential sexual partners at a bar or club for single-night session of sexual intercourse.

Although the Levy Corollary can easily be used in a derogatory way (by women, their husbands/boyfriends who are within earshot, etc.), it should not. Attire conforming to the Levy Corollary is useful for both males and females, as it signals a conscious intent to find sexual activity. This helps to negate the chance of miscommunication or wasted effort on the behalf of both parties.

Based upon the Levy Corollary, I knew that chick with hoops the size of a CD was ready to go!

by LevyCorollary December 15, 2009

levi x eren

The best ship in Anime history, it is so cute and totally legal, it is from the popular anime Attack on Titan. The fandom absolutely loves this ship from the cute fanart to the fluffy Wattpad stories.

" I love Levi x Eren, it is my favorite ship".

by Sussybakasus November 22, 2021

levi sow

n. The one kid on the H&M "Coolest Monkey in the Jungle" ad.
adj. Something you say when trying to tell a black male he needs to go back the the cotton fields

I feel pretty bad for that levi sow.
Get your Levi Sow ass out of here.

by jocab meazel April 19, 2018

Levi Spencers slong

a penis so small you need the hubble space telescope to see it

hey guys ive got a hard on

wait i can't see it

Levi Spencers SLONG!!!!!

by rclevi November 26, 2010

Levi it

When you keep answering questions with another question, to wing the test without studying beforehand

You can’t Levi it through life

by Dr. CHWST September 28, 2023

Levi underhill

A person who is full of sunshine and goal who can make your day with a blink of an eye

Did you watch Levi underhill’s live today ?
Yes he makes me smile

by Queenzaniyah November 8, 2020