the most overrated and boring school in NYC. the kids here don't even pass their test bc of the dumb teachers. Channel View and Waterside are better than them. all of the kids think they are the shat but they aren't. :)
and they are afraid of momo bc they are stupid
hey do you go to Scholars' Academy??
6๐ 5๐
Tim Roche is playing D-1 baseball. And you must be going to another three years of high school or something.
High School Education = 4 years
Thayer Academy Hockey = 7 years
39๐ 57๐
Germantown Academy, better known as GA by other private school students in the greater Philadelphia area, or the Academy by students attending GA, is a Pre-K through 12 preparatory school. GA tries to be like the other private schools while maintaining its own individuality. Basicaly GA epicly fails at both. Recently GA has instituted a new dress code policy called GA GeAr which requires students to wear ugly polo shirts from lands end. Girls choose to pair their ugly polos with slutty skirts which undermine the entire dress code, while guys wear cargo shorts. GA students really enjoy being promiscuous and binge drinking. In the past few years GA has had many incidents with students getting alcohol poisoning at school events. GA students also enjoy smoking weed and occasionally engage in cocaine. GA students also enjoy cheating. Despite an honor code many students copy answers from each other during poorly monitored tests. Cheating is necessary because lots of students at GA aren't actually smart, they're just either rich or very athletic. Some students are actually smart but feel pressure to receive perfect grades in order to attend ivy league colleges and so they also engage in cheating. Students at GA are often very close with their teachers which can result in interesting classes, but also in can result in awkward situations as students and teachers have been known to have sexual feelings towards each other. One gym teacher goes as far as to engage in sexual relations with students once they have graduated. This is because students at GA are usually very good looking and never fat.
"I'm not actually very preppy or smart but I'll pretend to be both while I drink my cheap beer and plan how I will a) play in the next game or b) cheat on my next test because that's how we do at Germantown Academy"
54๐ 83๐
An "alternative" high school on the upper east side of new york city. Noteworthy for allowing its students to choose their own classes, not take regents, only about 120 students, and having the female portion of those students that is approximately 50% pregnant, 25% horrendously ugly, and 25% ambiguously pregnant or maybe just fat.
Because of the total lack of hot girls, and a high population of total herbs (The principal/benevolent despots name is Herb Mac, and hes quite a nice fellow) the school can be an odd place socially. Most people here would be avoided like plague victims at other schools, so putting them all together really just compounds their obnoxiousness, because their isint anyone to shut them up.
Is that girl pregnant? Nah Man, she just goes to Urban Academy.
13๐ 17๐
A private school in Del Mar where most kids are posers. The teachers are very nosey and invade your personal life like private detectives. It's an open campus so most kids go down stairs to smoke. 75% of kids are 15 and younger. There is a lot of drama at this school, so if you are considering a private accelerated learning, DON'T choose this school.
"I go to Fusion Academy."
"WTF man, that school is bunk, why you want to hang out with rich bitches?!"
19๐ 22๐
Freddy the frogs birthing place
Hey man, I wouldnโt go to Ribet Academy, Freddy is choking his chicken
A group of quirky teens with esoteric interests and strange fixations on certain topics (personal examples could include biting and eggs). They include 26ish Democrats, 1 or 2 Libertarians, a Communist, and an inconsistent far-right kid. Symptoms include: Being in debate or band, hating your teachers, and losing the ability to talk to other people.
Academy Kid: I'm in the Glenbrook Academy
Billy: How nerdy and annoying.
Academy Kid: Prove it axiomatically you fallacious fool! Substantiate your arguments reasonably or be dismissed as the illogical agent you are!