This dude fucks so hard he makes girls queef on command.
“Yo Adrian Lopez Toledo make that chick queef”
Adrian Dabrowski is a man of zero intellect and no morals
"Hey is that Adrian Dabrowski" "Yeah thats that dumb guy"
Adrian is a small package with everything you can ask for in a person. You can feel is warmth even at the smallest touch. He is a kind soul that needs affection and the other half of his tangerine. He is always looking to help and be supportive of others. When he is in love, he will only think about them. He always wonders what they're doing, what they've eaten. Adrian will devote his existence to making them smile. He is sometimes too selfless and needs his friends to get him back on track. If you know an Adrian, make sure he smiles before you say goodbye to him every day. :
Adrian : is the only person you'll need in life.
Powerful couple filled with unconditional love. They never give up on each other and they love with all their hearts. Their nicknames for each other are šnek, pašík, čmeli, joži, bubu and more.
I want to be like Veronika and Adrian in a relationship one day.
pill eater, usually found behind matalan with a bottle of buckfast, smoking a fat doob.
adrian. huntington beach. saturday. be there or bee circle.
ah. adrian birdbath. happy bird hay! adrians kickback is cool.
Adrian Ekman is one of the most common boys names in Sweden, person is usually into other men, basically he's a nasty fag.
Ayoo, look at that fag! 94% chance his name is Adrian Ekman!