Source Code



Me: You are the definition on amazing

Arson: causing great surprise or wonder; astonishing
Me: *writes this just to prove a point*

by : daddy gf CV GF NB March 9, 2023



Me: you are the definition of amazing

Arson: causing great surprise or wonder; astonishing.
Me: *makes it urban dictionary definition*

by : daddy gf CV GF NB March 9, 2023


Something you love

Shainia is just amazing

by Urban turd December 23, 2018


Jake Collins

Jake Collins is the epitome of amazing.

by Bob’sBugsBeGone April 14, 2019

He For Sure Smells Amazing

When someone keeps a big job predominantly for how they look and for the perception of it being a good fit, as opposed to *actually being good*, he HAS to do all the little aesthetic things to compensate for being terrible.

Yurk: Ugh, my team has had the same shitty GM for 7 years, and we suck so bad. Why haven't they fired him yet?

LD: Well, obviously White Collar Steroids, but mostly he LOOKS the part and probably works the boardroom.

Yukr: Ugh, Ya, he for sure smells amazing, too.

by Mike109999 March 4, 2022


someone who is more amazing than the person previously stated

she’s amazing-er than i could ever be

by PilotCaptain25 June 15, 2022

green day is amazing

Shows how amazing Green Day is

"green day is amazing" is a correct opinion

by Whatsernam June 14, 2024