everything is actually not fine
i spent $200 at the bar last night and lost my wallet after that...everything’s fine.
A term used when you are in a lot of pain or just don't feel like doing anything.
I want to stay in bed, my everything hurts.
To rob someone, like a "show me your pockets".
X:"Hey lad, what's good?"
Y:"I am good, leave me alone please."
X:"Oh, i see you acting though, run me everything on you before i wet my man up!"
A CBeebies show about a girl who lives in a big pink dome-like structure which has a helter skelter slide around it. She has a bunch of friends who she likes to hang out with and she has hair which looks like Lil Pump's dreadlocks.
Other characters:
Raggles is a blue talking plushie which is meant to be a rabbit, who has a huge head and sounds like Perfect Peter from Horrid Henry.
Holly is a girl younger than Rosie who has yellow hair tied in pigtails and she wears an enormous bow which she never ever takes off.
Will is literally the Caillou of the show. He is very whiny and bossy, accuses people of things they didn't do, and hurts people's feelings all the time. However what makes him worse than Caillou is that Will never ever gets punished for his actions, and his hair looks like bacon strips.
Bluebird is just as bad as Will. She looks like a knock off of Zazu (if you've watched Disney's The Lion King, you'll know EXACTLY who I'm on about) and she bosses people about, refuses to use manners, physically and emotionally hurts Teal and Manny without getting punished, and acts childish over everything.
Big Bear is a big bear, duh. He wears a big orange jumper all the time and if you look under his sleeves, his hands are actually just floating. Creepy right?
Oakley is an oak tree, except he has a face with prickly eyebrows and a nose which looks like an egg plant was stuck to his face.
Archie is a chameleon and he's like the cutest character ever <3
Person 1: Hey who are your favourite Everything's Rosie characters?
Person 2: Archie's my fav character I only have one favourite :-3
Person 1: And your least favourites?
Person 2: Will and Bluebird. No questions asked.
Person 1: S O Y O U ' V E C H O S E N D E A T H . . .
lochie is the twat who thinks they own everything.
Iiiiiiit... Had better not... Because I am not against doing the same to someone else...
Hym "Speaking of daughters, yours can 'take everything I have.' And I know, you struggle with interpretation so I'll spell it out for you: I mean both my weiner and seed. She can take it all. I'm speaking euphemistically about sex with your daughter. As opposed to literally."