Solar bear, it's like a wearwolf but thrives in the sun and is allergic to the moon.
Anyone: Hey look at the moon.
Andre: Zzzzzzz
A person that will make your day better especially when you have a bad day. Andres is also isn't that tall mostly a dark skin and tries to do all his best on everything.
Andre is a male who is most commonly reffered to as 'Cute'. Doesnt Like to fight because there would be no point in winning a battle that shouldnt have happened But He Will if he have To. His Good Looking Attributes Make Andre Stand Out From The Rest. Andre Has a sense of humor that would make most girls fall for him. His Hugs are one of a kind and his kissed are the holy grail of the twentieth century. Hate isnt in his vocabulary and is an immense lover. He is a little Romance but he sure knows how to steal a girl from someone. He's a smart man who enjoys messing with people. He Has Strong Intentions For Making Friends And An Amazing Talent For The Arts (Literature, Music, instruments, and painting). Whenever he finds a mating partner he will usually mess up somehow but in a simple way he will care for his girl above most things. Andres is a one of a kind person who should not be given up for. You will not meet more than one Andre in your life.
'Wow That Andre Fellow Was Really Cute! I Wish I Had His Number!'
'Andre Impresses me in his way of artistic sense'
Andres has a big forehead, can’t fight, talks some big trash, can’t get a girlfriend, he look like a goof.
Andres U can’t pull I’ll help u
A man with a big dick and hella money and bitches
Person 1: Hello, my name is Andre
Person 2: Hello Andre, I bet you have a big dick and hella money and bitches
THE COOLEST DUDE YOU WILL EVER MEET HE IS SMART HANDSOME AND Also he is a person that gets arguments started by saying I love you more and he loves gaming he is very athletic and loves basketball
andre is super cool