when you use a jar of Nutella as a fleshlight and bust a nut, it is usually recommended that you cover up the nut after performing this action
bruh I just busted a Nutella and didn't tell anyone
watch out dude I think Jared busted a Nutella in that
when I get home I'm going to bust a Nutella
To have something that is superior and usually evokes jealousy in others
My new rims are busting dicks. Everyone wants them
when penis is flaccid(B4 or after sex) girl shakes your penis screaming into the tip "is this thing on"
your meats like a busted microphone
When a crusty *dirty hobo punk, usually has a dog and raggedy jacket* beats the hell out of you.
Bob: Damn what happened to Jack
Tom: Dude petted this dog and his hobo owner crusty busted him
Nasty ugly feet with uneven toes.
Damn that girl got some busted feet .
The female equivalent to "busting a nut" that a strange black man reggie and his smaller white sidekick john created in 3rd period art. Even though sounding extremely painful (for both male and female) apparently it is just as lovely as "blowing your load"
Yesterday I made this bitch bust a clit so good!!
When an incriminating comment on another person's Facebook wall appears in another's newsfeed.
Julie's comment: Heyyy Jim, don't worry about what you told me last night, it'll be our little secret, I must say though, I'm surpised you chose me to come out too :) xx
Jims friend's comment: Jim ya homo, you've just been newsfeed busted!