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Honey Badger

A chick that will go down on your dick and lick the balls

man that honey badger sucked my dick and licked my balls

by kongfong March 22, 2017

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Badger Burger

What you have for lunch after you've just run over a badger.


Slang for a vagina

Driver: "Damn! That badger almost broke my wind screen!"

Passenger: "Don't worry, the burgers will be fucking tasty"


"Man, i got me some badger burger last night!"

by qscefb April 20, 2010

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Honey Badger

A man who still has the drive to hunt but to fat to take down the prey.

A man who still wants to use his game to get dates with women but to fat and lazy to make his objective. Honey badger

by Leeroy Gibbs July 21, 2017

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Cardboard Badger

A badger made of cardboard that they have in Urban Outfitters

I want that cardboard badger for my hallway

by Bruce September 14, 2003

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badger milk

you all know john basedow, right? well, he drinks badfger milk. that is correwct. some ppl question the use of steroids in sport athletes, but badger milk is 14.6 times worse than steroids, and it is apparent that john basedow uses it frequently. leave him alone. he's an animal

and 2 grams of olive oil

by phiork macintork July 4, 2004

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Badger Rat

A worn out loose Vagina resembling a dead Rat. Also smells like a Badger.

Did you go down on Sally last night? Nah, she had Badger Rat, I could smell it a mile off.

by Cri Cri W January 28, 2023

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Septic Badger

A person who picks their butt for crap flakes and saves them up to eat later.

Guy 1: What do you want to eat?
Guy 2: Oh, I'm fine. I just ate all the crap flakes I'd saved up this week.

Guy 1: Oh my god, you septic badger...

by Serjeh Somogath March 6, 2010

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